Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day of Power

Classes were canceled today for the Day of Prayer. Students, Staff and Professors gathered in the chapel from 8-12:30 to worship and lift up prayer concerns.The Vice Rector asked the students to share praises; they are praising the Lord for professors, Voice of Hope Radio station here on campus-it can now be heard all over Burundi, a new football field, new buildings, a clinic in the beginning stages of construction, Kibuye Hospital-in the process of being turned over to the University as a teaching Hospital, the many departments or areas of studies here on campus and Rachel shared that we are thankful for our wonderful students. Cheers erupted from the crowd, like a home-run at a baseball game, the Vice rector admitted that we often forget about the students God has specifically brought to Hope and today we are thankful for them!  It was shared that when the university began the goal for the student body population for 2010 was 800 students, today Hope Africa admits 3,000 students. Praise the Lord for making it possible! The leaders here are committed to educating and raising up the next generation. Bishop Elie spoke on behalf of the University and gave several prayer requests, his vision for Hope, for Burundi and for the students inspires me. He asked that we not pray if we had doubts that God could accomplish all we are asking of Him today, Satan didn't need a foothold and God is capable of meeting our needs without the prayers of those who doubt. The Bishop has asked that we continue to pray for the renovation and extension of Kibuye Hospital as a teaching facility, so students don't have to travel abroad to specialize. That the satellite campus in Gitega would continue the stages necessary for buildings and eventually classes. He also expressed his vision to have a television station for Hope. We were all amazed when he shared the cost of 1/2 million dollars needed for equipment but he continued to remind us that he didn't need doubtful prayers and that God owns everything anyways, if He wants it done, it will happen. It was so encouraging to be reminded that I serve a God who owns it all, who loves these people more than I am beginning to, and who has more vision than I could ever hope to have for them.

We also took time today to pray for all the different nations represented at the University-Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, Chad, Rwanda, Central African Republic, Congo, Tanzania, Burundi and of course America. Each representative brought forth prayer requests and then we took time right then and there to pray for them. I'm also thankful that God is not intimidated by the many languages spoken. Swahili, Kirundi, French and English were all in our service today. I was thinking about you today, wishing that you could be part of the service, knowing how much you would have loved to be reminded that prayer is indeed powerful and effective and to see and take part in what God is doing across Africa. But even though you weren't here today I know you are still a support and can be involved in the process of His plan here in Burundi. As the Bishop said 'today was a day of power for Hope Africa University'.

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