Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Let me tell you about Malaria. It's awful, it swings like a pendulum or
a roller coaster if you will, some moments (few moments) you feel fine,
like maybe your body is going to kick this thing and then the next your
down, sacked, flat on your bed in misery. There is fever 'hot body' as
they say here, headache, achy body, more headache and no energy. I
watched a lot of movies during the last five days, thankful that my
supply was replenished when my father came a few weeks ago. I had a lot
of time to think and wish I was better. Too bad many of the movies
displayed food-food that I can't have 'cause Safeway is no longer down
the street. Yesterday, my final day of sickness, my mom called, sad and
concerned. They did the correct parental things, wondering if I needed
to come home, alerting all family and friends, posting facebook notices
and praying with me. The Myers Family and our friend Bassey, or as we
call him Papa, came in to pray last night, asking for healing. And no
suprise I woke up so much better this morning, healed in Jesus Name.
When I went online today I can see so many people had been praying for
me, it's really humbling and also so exciting so see how God answers
prayer when we ask.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are better, I am sure all your kiddos missed you!
