Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanks for your care

It had been a difficult day. The morning began doing tasks I thought
were others responsibilities, boy was I wrong. Grandma thank you for
your Christmas card. It came at the perfect time. The boarding students
and I were sitting together when it arrived. I got to explain Jesus'
birthday. They were excited for you- celebrating 50 years of marriage is
a big deal here too. Salihu told me today 'marriage is a difficult
thing', he appreciates your effort. They were also amazed that the woman
who gave birth to you has lived to be 101 years! Very special. They too
were happy to see pictures of family and asked lots of questions about
how such a letter arrives from America, 'you mean by computer' they
asked. It was perfect! Thank you for your effort.

WFMC, a big thank you for your care package that arrived today. Lots of
goodies and treats were enjoyed by our team. Nothing says I love you
like my favorite peanut butter M & Ms , orbit gum, brownie mix and chap
stick. What a treat! I'm trying really hard to tap into the Christmas
spirit but somehow the fact that it's 110 degrees,outside just isn't the
same. Thanks for spreading a little Christmas cheer our way. We
appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. So happy that God gives good gifts when we need them!!! Miss you lots
